Michelina Bellsong is on a mission. She is following a missing family to the edge of America ... to a place she never knew existed – a place of terror, wonder, and shattering revelation. What awaits her there will change her life and the life of everyone she knows – if she can find the key to survival. At stake are a young girl of extraordinary goodness, a young boy with killers on his trail, and Micky's own wounded soul. Ahead lie incredible peril, startling discoveries, and paths that lead through terrible darkness to unexpected light. DAISY-Fassung eines kommerziellen Hörbuchs, ungekürzte Ausgabe.
Katalog-Nummer: 57556
New York: Random House Audio, 2001
Sprecher: Twomey, Anne
Produktionsort: Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte, 01.07.2001