In his most desperate moment, Adolph Hitler issues an impossible order to an disgraced war hero and his commandos. The mission: invade the very heart of England and kidnap Winston Churchill – or kill him. Far from the thunder of war, in a quiet seaside village called Studley Constable, a beautiful widow and a cultured IRA assassin undertake preparations for the ultimate act of treachery. On November 6, 1943, Berlin gets the coded message: »he eagle has landed!« DAISY-Fassung eines kommerziellen Hörbuchs, ungekürzte Ausgabe.
Katalog-Nummer: 57912
Beverly Hills: Phoenix Audio, 2005
Sprecher: Cazenove, Christopher
Produktionsort: Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte, 01.07.2005