Owen, James A.
Here, there be dragons (Text in amerikanischer Sprache) : the chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica.
Kategorie: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur/Literatur für Leser ab 12 Jahre/Fremdsprachige Bücher und Mundart
An unusual murder brings together three strangers on a rainy night in London during the first World War. An eccentric little man tells them that they are now the caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica, an atlas of all the lands that have ever existed in myth and legend. Travelling to the very realm of the imagination itself, they must learn to overcome their fears and trust in one another if they are to defeat the dark forces that threaten the destiny of two worlds. DAISY-Fassung eines kommerziellen Hörbuchs, ungekürzte Ausgabe.
Katalog-Nummer: 57915
New York: Simon & Schuster Audio, 2008
Sprecher: Langton, James
Produktionsort: Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte, 01.07.2008