Like most people, Kimberly Rae Miller does not have the perfect body, but that hasn't stopped her from trying. And trying. But what is the ideal body? On a journey through time that takes her from obese Paleolithic cavewomen, to the bland menus that Drs. Graham and Kellogg prescribed, to the binge–drinking–prone regimen that caused William the Conqueror's body to explode, Kim ends up discovering a lot about her relationship with her own body. DAISY-Fassung eines kommerziellen Hörbuchs.
Katalog-Nummer: 58098
Michigan: Brilliance Audio, 2017
Sprecher: Miller, Kimberly Rae
Produktionsort: Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte, 01.07.2017