Kategorie: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur/Literatur für Leser ab 9 Jahre/Fremdsprachige Bücher und Mundart
He has a life filled with art, music, and long summer nights on the Cape. He has hours and days and months of baseball. But, more than anything in this world, Jake knows he has Edward. From the moment he was born, Jake knew Edward was destined for something. He looks back on one year in particular. It was a magical time, when everything seemed perfect – until the unimaginable happened and Edward died. But looking back, Jake realizes what a gift Edward was to his family and those around him, and he sees firsthand the amazing gift Edward is able to give a stranger who is in desperate need of a miracle. DAISY-Fassung eines kommerziellen Hörbuchs, ungekürzte Ausgabe.
Katalog-Nummer: 58390
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007
Sprecher: Ventimiglia, Milo
Produktionsort: Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte, 01.07.2007
Spieldauer: 1 Stunden, 32 Minuten
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